Congratulations to the Spanish Empezando Spring graduates of 2018: Noemi Adame, Leticia Antunez, Valentin Bautista, Consuelo Carmona de Patricio, Crisanto Fuentes, Santos Giles, Federico Rameriz, Armando Salgado, and Nely Liliana Zepeda.
These hard working individuals earned their certificate of completion last Tuesday, May 15th. The "Empezando" Course is a twelve-week business training course that provided the students with knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to start and/or grow their own business. The results of these courses are a tangible business plan and a clear business proposal. Good job students!
Thank you to the instructor of the course Gabe Quiroz, the Board of Directors including President and Chairperson Anita Robinson, Treasurer Michael Chen, Secretary Kathy Marcove, and Members Nora Dominguez, Elizabeth Steinberg, and Polly Mertens. Thank you to the MCSC Women's Business Center Program Director Chuck Jehle and Program Coordinator Nikkole. Also, thank you to our Guest Speakers Carla Blandon and Francisco Ramirez.